Friday, May 17, 2024

"KENTUCKY BARN QUILTS AT CTE!" Arts for All art Inclusion project April 22,29, May 6,13, 2024

"KENTUCKY BARN QUILTS AT CTE!" Art Inclusion project at Cumberland Trace Elementary was quite a challenge! For four Mondays Kim Soule, Artist and Lisa Kelton, Art Educator worked so hard leading the students in learning about folk art and barn quilts. The artist shared quilts from her own family and talked about the folk artists who had created them. Kim Soule also shared a google slide presentation about barn quilts, colors and designs. The students began by designing their own barn quilts using colorful markers. The next Mondays were spent collaborating on painting large barn quitlts that were drawn by the artist on 2x2 foam board and 4x4 foam board. The students collaborated on color and then painted the designs. The last Monday was used to touch up designs and add printmaking to give the illusion of fabric like a real handmade fabric quilt.

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